Ironically, I set up this blog a little over a year ago thinking that I would have free time (yes, I'm dillusional) to merge Ethan and Rachel's blogs here. Instead, I just stopped writing on everyone's blog and took a one-year hiatus.

But, we're back and better than ever. And, we've brought someone new to brag about!

Madeline Grace was born on March 16, 2009, at 2:46 a.m. weighing a whopping 5lb11oz and measuring 19". She was full term and obviously something went awry in the last month causing her to stop growing or growing as quickly as she should have. At this time, they don't know for sure what the problem is but hopefully they'll figure it out by my six-week follow-up visit.

The Delivery Story
I had an appointment on Friday at which time they told me that I was at 1cm (barely) and I should expect to see them the next week in the office for a discussion of induction. However, Madeline had other plans.

On Sunday I had been cramping all day. By the time we went to my parents house at 2 to celebrate my brother's b-day, my contractions were timeable at 5-6 minutes apart but weren't painful, just uncomfortable. By 10:30 p.m., they were 4-5 minutes and were strong and lasting for about 1 - 1.5 minutes. Though I wanted to labor at home for as long as I could, I was strep B positive and knew I needed antibiotics before delivering. Knowing how fast Rachel's delivery was, I decided to call. So, at 11ish we head out to my parent to drop the kids off and head back to the hospital. By the time we arrived at the hospital, my contractions were 3 minutes apart and a 6-7 on the pain scale. "Woo hoo!" I thought, "This is going to happen and happen fast." Again, ironic.

So, I'm guessing I'm about 5 cm dialated upon arrival. They gown me and check me. "One...maybe two if I'm generous," the nurse says. WHATTTT!!! I explain then to the nurse that I'm not leaving without a baby and if they send me home I want drugs to go... and yes, I'd like fries with that.

Then they hook Madeline up to the monitor. Well, sometimes people don't need to say anything for you to know something is very wrong. The nurse looks at the strip, smiles and says, OK, I'll be right back. She comes back with the charge nurse and an IV pole. Okay, not going home but why. Little Madeline was not happy. Her heart rate was 167 and wasn't coming down. She started to decelerate after contractions. They call the midwife and we wait. After two hours they check me. No progress. Pain is 7-8 during contractions. They call the physician. They order a biophysical sono. By 2 a.m. I was in the middle of the sono when my midwife and the doctor show up, still wearing jackets. Doctor looks at midwife then at me and says, "We're taking this baby right now".

I'm not one for c-sections and I'll fight for my rights but the look on the doctor's face when she found out there was only .6ml of fluid in the sac and that Maddie only scored 5/8 on her biophysical was enough for them to think something was very wrong. Then, they take my BP. It's 160/90. For a former preeclemptic whose normal is 90/60, this is all bad. I was in surgery 10 minutes later.

The good news is everything went smoothly.

Madeline was born at 2:46 a.m. and score 8 and 9 on her Apgars, was taken to the transitional care unit of the NICU for observation and was released 45 minutes later.

The .6 ml of fluid was actually meconium and nothing more. A few more hours and there could have been some serious, serious issues. They said the sac looked like a deflated balloon and had to be peeled off her little face. Poor little thing.

As for me, I have 8 staples and hopefully am past the worst of it. I'm still in the hospital and will be until tomorrow but I can actually get out of bed, shower, go to the bathroom, etc. Whoever ELECTS to have c-sections, you seriously need your head checked.

Maddie is sleeping next to me right now. She had some trouble breast feeding at first but seems to have "gotten herself organized" as the lactation consulted eloquently stated.

Ethan and Rachel have been in to see her and we have mixed reviews. Unlike with Rachel's birth, Ethan is very apprehensive about the whole situation. I think the realization of baby=toddler in a year is all too real to him. Rachel on the other hand seems to think of Madeline as another one of her dolls and "want to hold baby NOW!" is a phrase we have heard frequently when she visits.

I'm sure we'll all adjust but I am still nervous about going home. Ben's off this week and Rachel will go to the baby sitters next week so hopefully that will make the transition a little easier.

What I can't believe is that I have THREE kids and a wonderful husband. We are too blessed!
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