We had an emergency this morning that nearly killed us both...yes, it's true, we lost Rachel's pacifier. Now, we have nearly 10 others scattered throughout the house and you'd better believe I tried each of them. I tried feeding her, rocking her...anything I could think of. But no pacifier, no peace. FINALLY, I found it under her co-sleeper, wedged between her bed and the wall. Got it rinsed it "plugged it in" and ahhhh. She was asleep in about 2 minutes.
1 Response
  1. Kathy Says:

    And that is why when I realized that the NICU pacifier was the only one Claire wanted, I tracked down the medical supply company and ordered a case! (We sent one or two to Katie & Lily!)

    I'm enjoying reading your blog, and taking encouragement from the fact that you came back from preeclampsia to have a second, healthy pregnancy. Congrats!

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