Have you ever wondered if your kids are listening to you? Rest assured, they are but just not to what you want them to. "Wash your hands" "Make sure you wash your hands" "Before dinner wash your hands" "Did you wash your hands?" I feel like a broken record and then at the table, guess what he forgets to do...

However, then there's the things that you say once, think to yourself "I probably shouldn't have said that" and pray they didn't hear you, which inevitably, they did.

Case in point: We were sitting at the dinner table yesterday at my parent's house. We were discussing a local high school football rivalry between the HS where I grew up and the one that Ben grew up which is where Ben teaches and the district in which Ethan goes to school. (Ben coaches football so it's a common topic.) Ben and my dad were playfully bantering about how our team was going to have more yards this year than their team. Ben turns to Ethan and says, "What do you think, Ethan?" Ethan nonchalantly responds, "We're going to beat the crap out of them."

Go Tigers!
Rachel has finally met Lily, a friend's daughter who was born 9 days after Rachel. (Lily's so adorable and I have pictures to prove it--see below!) Though the girls didn't really notice each other, I'm sure they will in the months to come. For us moms it's also much more fun when you have someone who really understands the concerns of leaky diapers (and leaking through shirts!) and sleepless nights.

We had an emergency this morning that nearly killed us both...yes, it's true, we lost Rachel's pacifier. Now, we have nearly 10 others scattered throughout the house and you'd better believe I tried each of them. I tried feeding her, rocking her...anything I could think of. But no pacifier, no peace. FINALLY, I found it under her co-sleeper, wedged between her bed and the wall. Got it rinsed it "plugged it in" and ahhhh. She was asleep in about 2 minutes.
So, curious me wondered when babies roll over. And, after a Google search I found a site that said babies may be able to roll over from front to back as early as two months. "By George! she's two months," I thought, "let's give it a whirl." And, wouldn't you know, she flipped right over. I guess this also is my admittance that I do not give her enough tummy time! This opens up a whole new world of being cautious when we're changing her and leaving her on the bed, etc. I guess they don't flip from back to front until four months so I have a little more time before she begins barrelrolling through the house.

As proof, (and since I finally learned how to add video to the blog), I have posted a short clip.


It's funny what happens when moms stop looking...

Introducing, Ethan! Since I started his sister a blog when she was born, I figured I should start a site for Ethan as well. Since he is six and has learned to type and spell this year, he will be posting too.

Ethan a really great kid, very sweet and smart and cute if I may say so myself! He is just finishing kindergarten this week and has really taken off academically.

He loves to go "tromp through the woods" with his dad and loves to fish! In fact, Ethan usually catches the most and the biggest fish when we go.

Ethan loves spiderman, batman, superman and ninja turtles. He also loves to draw and look through his dictionary for pictures to draw.

"Little" Rachel weighed in at 13lb3oz and 23.5" and is perfectly healthy according to our favorite pediatrician at our 2 month check-up... that would be the 95th percentile, so I guess she's getting enough to eat!

Bath Time (how does her arm bend that way?)

She has been getting more and more alert every day and has taken to her bouncy seat (the one that vibrates) and has just started getting interested in her activity gym though it scares her when her hand accidentially hits Elmo or Big Bird which are hanging and they begin to swing or make noise.

Playing with Big Bird and Elmo
She's sleeping a little longer (which does not mean I feel more rested). In fact, last night she slept six hours straight! She continues to try to suck her thumb but mostly settles for her hand since she hasn't quite figured out how to coordinate sticking her thumb out, putting it in her mouth and not stabbing herself with her own fingernail.

We've also decided that we should begin a resume for her. I'm still working (from home) but we've been cutting commercials and working on several other projects. She has experience supervising commercial production and edit, media buying, Web site design and edit, print advertising copywriting and placement and writing policies. I'm pretty impressed! I made the comment the other day that she cut her first commercials before she cut her first teeth. And, to brag about what a good baby she is...she sat through four hours of TV edits, twice! What a trooper! I'll make a PR pro out of her yet!